Tuesday, October 13, 2009

19. The stoner version.

While writing the pages where the two guys above appear, I didn't know what they looked like. I still don't know their names - to me they are Fat Festival Goer and Skinny Festival Goer. Then, starting sketching, I realized I could use these two characters as a homage to a couple of my childhood heroes. Not portraits, or even caricatures, but still with a certain likeness. That's what I aimed for, anyway. You may have already guessed who they are.

When I was growing up, TV had no color. You've probably heard of this, maybe you have considered it another urban legend, but it was true. Also, we were used to it. There were colors in the movie theater, but the TV-picture was gray. This meant that the NRK, Norway's sole television broadcaster in those days, could buy old movies, silent and not so silent, and probably cheap, to entertain us kids with. And a lot of grown-ups as well. There was just one channel to choose from, after all. Among these oldies were films by my personal favorites back then: Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, and, as kind of seen above, Laurel & Hardy.

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