Today, I'm going to let the photos below do most of the talking. In other words, we're sidestepping the pure B&W this time. There will even be some
colors! I've missed those things... The theme is the coming of spring, in a couple of my favorite local spots, and the first ones I shot a few days ago at
Hove, where the main cast of
Rox lives.
Please press the images for a larger view.
The last batch of photos are from this wednesday, and a forest called Bjørneboskogen. (Your browser may have done strange things with that name.) In English: The Forest Where Bears Live. But unfortunately they don't, not for a very long time. Still a nice place though.
Even though nobody in power has authorized me to do so - with this last shot I declare spring as officially sprung.
May King Winter strike me down if I'm wrong.